The Wisdom of Love in Business

By Kathy Gardarian with Tinker Lindsey

Formerly known as “Feet to the Fire”

Transformational Tools to Achieve Entrepreneurial Success

“Kathy Gardarian’s The Wisdom of Love in Business grabbed me from the first line and never let go. You’ll find yourself in the challenges Kathy faced, and overcame, as she built a multi-million dollar business, uncovering wisdom that will guide you on your own path to discovering what really matters in life.”

—Chris Attwood, Co-author of the NYT Best Sellers, The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches

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“It’s about making mistakes, learning, and growing. I had to learn how to be brave; how to hold my feet to the fire; how to invite deep change while tolerating acute discomfort.”
– Kathy Gardarian

For some women passion, commitment and determination are powerful tools for achieving personal and business success. For Kathy Gardarian, they describe a way of life.

Deeply exploring the complex dance between business and self-awareness, “The Wisdom of Love in Business” explores both. Kathy discusses her struggles to stay true to herself while attaining extraordinary success in a field dominated by men. “The Wisdom of Love in Business”, is an essential book for anyone seeking deeper meaning in their personal and professional journeys, while achieving entrepreneurial success.

In the story “The Wisdom of Love in Business,” one of the excerpts is Rumi’s wise quote: “Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel. I am the carpenter of my own soul,” which compares our choices and actions to tools, like a carpenter crafting wood. This highlights that we have a role in creating our path and inner self through the decisions we make. Just as a sculptor molds a shape from stone, we shape our lives with our intentions and actions, revealing our true selves.

Life is like a song composed of our choices—a symphony of intention and outcome. Rumi’s words remind us that we’re not passive observers; we actively shape our lives. Much like an artist chiseling away at a sculpture, our choices define our character and aspirations. Each day presents a chance for renewal, a fresh start to refine ourselves. Through our decisions, we shape our destiny and leave a mark on time. The story encourages us to understand our power to shape and refine our lives, just as a sculptor hones their creation with each deliberate stroke.

“The Wisdom of Love in Business: Transformational Tools to Achieve Entrepreneurial Success,” is an essential book for anyone seeking deeper meaning in their professional journeys while attaining outstanding achievement. Kathy Gardarian’s enlightening memoir, written in collaboration with Tinker Lindsay, offers a fresh take on the symbiotic relationship between ambition and spirituality, revealing how these two components can work together to produce a life of fulfillment and prosperity.

The Wisdom of Love in Business

By Kathy Gardarian with Tinker Lindsey

“Kathy Gardarian’s The Wisdom of Love in Business grabbed me from the first line and never let go. You’ll find yourself in the challenges Kathy faced, and overcame, as she built a multi-million dollar business, uncovering wisdom that will guide you on your own path to discovering what really matters in life.”

—Chris Attwood, Co-author of the NYT Best Sellers, The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches

For some women passion, commitment and determination are powerful tools for achieving personal and business success. For Kathy Gardarian, they describe a way of life.

Deeply exploring the complex dance between business and self-awareness, “The Wisdom of Love in Business” explores both. Kathy discusses her struggles to stay true to herself while attaining extraordinary success in a field dominated by men. “The Wisdom of Love in Business”, is an essential book for anyone seeking deeper meaning in their personal and professional journeys, while achieving entrepreneurial success.

In the story “The Wisdom of Love in Business,” one of the excerpts is Rumi’s wise quote: “Every moment I shape my destiny with a chisel. I am the carpenter of my own soul,” which compares our choices and actions to tools, like a carpenter crafting wood. This highlights that we have a role in creating our path and inner self through the decisions we make. Just as a sculptor molds a shape from stone, we shape our lives with our intentions and actions, revealing our true selves.

Life is like a song composed of our choices—a symphony of intention and outcome. Rumi’s words remind us that we’re not passive observers; we actively shape our lives. Much like an artist chiseling away at a sculpture, our choices define our character and aspirations. Each day presents a chance for renewal, a fresh start to refine ourselves. Through our decisions, we shape our destiny and leave a mark on time. The story encourages us to understand our power to shape and refine our lives, just as a sculptor hones their creation with each deliberate stroke.

“The Wisdom of Love in Business: Finding My Soul in Success,” is an essential book for anyone seeking deeper meaning in their professional journeys while attaining outstanding achievement. Kathy Gardarian’s enlightening memoir, written in collaboration with Tinker Lindsay, offers a fresh take on the symbiotic relationship between ambition and spirituality, revealing how these two components can work together to produce a life of fulfillment and prosperity.

Available in eBook | Audible | Paperback

Praise for “The Wisdom of Love in Business”

Formerly known as “Feet to the Fire”

The Wisdom of Love in Business is a treasure of a book. I literally could not put it down. While love, business, and success may seem like strange bed fellows, Kathy’s empowering story, told as a series of clear and concise lessons, is a powerful guide to living the life of your dreams. You will want to buy a carton to give to family and friends.”
—Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. NYT Best Selling Author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

The Wisdom of Love in Business is for anyone interested in true success. Using her own story as an example, Kathy Gardarian offers useful, accessible tools for transformation combining business with self-awareness.” —Deepak Chopra, M.D.

“An amazon book by an amazingly powerful and successful woman.”
—Menas C. Kafatos, Ph.D, Co-author with Deepak Chopra of NYT Best Seller, You Are the Universe

“Kathy Gardarian’s The Wisdom of Love in Business grabbed me from the first line and never let go. You’ll find yourself in the challenges Kathy faced, and overcame, as she built a multi-million dollar business, uncovering wisdom that will guide you on your own path to discovering what really matters in life.”
Chris Attwood – Co-author of the NYT Best Sellers, The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches

“Kathy Gardarian has an amazing life story and The Wisdom of Love in Business is truly a wonderful book. It reads like a novel and could have a very important positive influence on both women and men, struggling to find their inner compass, their true north, so that they can be both personally and professionally fulfilled.”
—James A. Cusumano, Ph.D. – Author of Life is Beautiful: 12 Universal Rules

“This fascinating book is not just about a great woman’s journey in business and in life but is a guide to new ways of being in a world of so much change and transition. Kathy Gardarian is a new kind of heroine. With both pluck and passion, she masters the challenges of women in business while offering the key to women’s genius and creativity. In doing so she has touched many lives of women and men and now offers her gifts to you, the reader.”
—Jean Houston Ph.D. Author of A Passion for the Possible

5 Stars – Inspiring
“A friend recommended this book to me. I’m glad she did. I found the book inspiring and refreshingly frank in describing the struggles that Kathy went through as a woman building a very successful business, but at the same exploring and expanding her spiritual self. I would highly recommend this book to both men and woman. Great lessons to be learned.”
– Ricky G Kuhn – Amazon Customer

5 Stars – Inspiring to any business owner regardless of gender
“The book was an easy and amazing read and I think it will offer something to any business owner or anyone that desires achievement regardless of their gender. It offers a great perspective on how to succeed through adversity, and how to connect with your own fulfillment in life. The book is full of conversations that really put me right into the moment of events that happened and kept me turning just one more page. I finished it over a weekend but thoughts about the content in the book and “a-ha moments” still come up for me weeks after reading which has prompted me to write this review. I really enjoyed the book. Thank you Kathy for sharing your amazing experiences!”
– Ang S. – Amazon Customer

5 Stars – An Appreciated Gift to My “Bright and Ambitious” Daughters
“Daughters Megan and Alicia are advanced degree holders and focused on futures of accomplishment and contribution. I agree so strongly with Jean Houston’s review and won’t repeat her wise words here. Meg and Ali LOVED this book — and for Dad, their thanks are all I need to endorse it.”
– Robert White – Amazon Customer

5 Stars – This book was a joy from beginning to end
“This book was a joy from beginning to end! Not only was it an excellent tell-all about how to succeed in a man’s world but how to retain your heart and soul along the way. A terrific must-read for any new entrepreneur or businessperson finding their way!”
– Christine Borrelli – Amazon Customer